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What is the role of influencers and why do we trust them

Reading Time: 2 minutes

So far, traditional marketing in the form of TV and radio commercials, print ads and outdoor advertising with famous singers, athletes and actors have had an effect on increasing sales and building a company's image. The development of digital marketing and social media has had a great impact on the emergence of new types of work and advertising. With time, there has been growth and development of modern, non-traditional marketing which has resulted in the emergence of influencing and influencers. They have defined target groups to whom  they communicate.  Their followers also have special interests. This is exactly what companies are looking for in terms of advertising.

Who are the influencers and are you being 'influenced'?

Influencers are the social media users who are recognized from all other users in terms of their creativity, content and personality which, naturally, draws attention to bigger crowds. Whether we accept it or not, they have become relevant persons who have the power of influence upon their followers. This is the exact reason why is it so important that the messages they send have sincere tones. The followers have to truly believe that they are promoting the product primarily because they like it, and not only because of the profit.

Lately we encountered a lot of challenges in terms of releasing new products on the bh. market. The partners have expressed their wish to increase the volume of their sales and brand awareness, both for goods and services. Looking back at the situation on the market, and how much competitors invested on those products, we intended to choose the right, content-and-product-fitting influencer or influencers that matches the brand concept, and hasn't sponsored any of the competitors.

Types of influencers

Popularity on social networks has a significant impact on the popularization and increase in sales of various products and services. Number of followers often is not the best metric for chooosing influencers for collaboration. The statistical data from their profiles on social networks reveals us who is their following audience, how often they visited their profile, how many people saw their post, video or reels etc. are crucial and important facts to be considered.


Based on the follower count, influencers are divided into 5 CATEGORIES:

  1. Nano-influencers: between 1.000 and 5.000 followers
  2. Micro-influencers: between 5.000 and 20.000 followers
  3. Mid-level influencers: 20.000 to 100.000 followers
  4. Mega influencers: 100.000 ti 1 million followers
  5. Famous individuals: 1 million + followers

In small local markets, in which the Bosnian and Herzegovina market can also be classified, this division would not be fully applicable according to the parameters mentioned above..

We are aware that the end goal of every influencer is to acquire profit. Therefore, every type of collaboration with the brand is being paid or compensated with a product bundle or services offered by the company. In real world, it seems that it's crucial to choose the category influencer belongs to (fashion, beauty, lifestyle, music, teen, food, business etc). We think this type of marketing belongs to native advertising and as additional tool it could potentionaly help brands and companies to build trust to part of their audience.

If you would like to learn more on this topic, or you want to try to build your own influencer marketing strategy, feel free to contact us.